2008년 7월 9일 수요일

Fertilization, Embryonic Development, and Pregnancy Rate using Fresh and FrozenTesticular Sperm in Hypospermatogenesis

The Korean Andrological Society, Kor J Androl. Vol. 24, No. 2, August 2006

Fertilization, Embryonic Development, and Pregnancy Rate using Fresh and FrozenTesticular Sperm in Hypospermatogenesis

Fertilization, Embryonic Development, and Pregnancy Rate using Fresh and FrozenTesticular Sperm in HypospermatogenesisYong-Seog Park, Sun-Hee Lee, Sang Chul Han, Su Jin Choi, Jin Hyun Jun,Mi Kyoung Koong* and Ju Tae Seo†Laboratory of Reproductive Biology and Infertility, Departments of *Obstetrics and Gynecology,†Urology, Cheil General Hospital & Women's Healthcare Center,Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Materials and Methods:

A total of 84 cycles of ICSI were performed with fresh or frozen-thawed testicular spermfrm hypospermatogenesis patients. Of these, 55 cycles (65.5%) were performed with fresh sperm, and 29 cycles(34.5%) were performed with frozen-thawed sperm. Testicular tissue was frozen with the programmed cell freezer(Cryomagic I, Miraebiotech, Seoul, Korea).